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Train the FESTI way!

Facility Overview

We are located at 2025 Courtneypark Drive East, Mississauga. When you arrive at the address, proceed up the driveway and find a spot in the parking lot.

Course Overview

This five-day course is facilitated by Gary Jarrett. This course enhances the student’s knowledge and prepares them for the fire investigation process. Students will begin their studies by covering the following topics: the legal requirements to conduct a scene examination, understanding the basic principles of combustion, the scientific method, and burn pattern analysis. Furthering their studies, students will be led through the process of collecting physical evidence, cause determination, explosion investigations, and vehicle fire investigations. The process examined in NFPA 921 is the theoretical component, which will be implemented and applied by the participant when he/she investigates a fire scene. In teams, participants will attend a fire scene, document, examine, sift, reconstruct, and determine the cause of a fire scenario. Each team will present the cause of the fire scene investigation to their peers at the conclusion of the burn scenarios.


Course Details

This course will start at 8 am and the daily hours will be 8 am to 4 pm. We will have approximately two and a half days of theory and two days of live fire and investigation activities. We will generally have one hour for lunch break and lunch will be provided through daily selections. During the lectures, you may have water, coffee, and snacks within the class. We have a water fountain and encourage you to bring a water bottle. Coffee will be provided during this course.  

Required gear

For the theoretical portion, please bring personal stationary items to make notes and study aids. For the practical portion, please dress according to the weather as we will be outside. Please bring your own personal safety glasses, safety footwear, and protective clothing. Changerooms are available.
Suggested items:
  • CSA steel-toed boots
  • Change of clothes for a practical training session
  • Laptop computer
  • Coveralls or turn-out gear is preferred
  • Digital camera and USB card
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.