Train the FESTI way!
This course prepares students to deliver training effectively by analyzing and applying principles of adult education, assessing learner needs, using planned lessons, and conducting evaluations. This course builds upon acquired knowledge and skills in adult learning. Emphasis is placed on the application of adult education principles in learning situations that involve fire department personnel, external agencies, and the public.
This course meets the Level I job performance requirements (JPRs) defined in Sections 4.2 through 4.5 of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, 2019 Edition.
This course is a Blended Program that includes self-directed online learning followed by 2 days in-class.
Once your registration has been confirmed will be given access to FESTI’s online learning platform Litmos. An email will be sent to you with login/registration information.
You will be assigned the NFPA 1041 Fire and Emergency Services Instructor I Learning Path. If you have any issues with Litmos please contact
Required Course Textbook: You will be required to purchase, IFTSA, Fire and Emergency Services Instructor Ninth Edition
Optional: Fire Instructor I & II Exam Prep, 6th Edition
Pre-Class Expectations:
To guarantee you are properly prepared for your in-class experience, please ensure the following expectations have been met:
The in-class sessions build on what is taught in the textbook and in the online eLearning modules. Failure to complete the above could leave you feeling unprepared and behind.
What to bring to class: